Heart with Wings

Universal Worship, The Church of All

Theme: Divine Light

1. Lighting of Candles (5:07) - Reverend Mudita Sabato

2. Reading of the Sacred Texts (15:38) - Reverend Nuria Sabato

3. Sermon (9:41) - Reverend Kabir Kitz

4. Musical Meditation (4:05)

5. Benediction (1:59) - Reverend Kabir Kitz

Download PDF of Sacred Texts

Universal Worship - Sufi Invocation & Kindling of Light - Divine Light
from International Sufi Movement-USA on Vimeo.

Universal Worship - World Scripture Readings - Divine Light
from International Sufi Movement-USA on Vimeo.

Universal Worship-Divine Light-Final Reading
from International Sufi Movement-USA on Vimeo.

Universal Worship - Sermon on Divine Light
from International Sufi Movement-USA on Vimeo.

Universal Worship - Benediction from International Sufi Movement-USA.

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