Heart with Wings

Murshida Stephanie Nuria Sabato

Meditations on The Message is a Meditation Retreat that focuses on the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan. The classes below focus on a body of teachings on Breath. The teachings are supported with supplemental readings, meditations, and breath practices, which are all aimed at the development of mastery over the limitations of one's own personality and character, and the softening of the self-cherishing ego.

Classes Offered in 2008

Universal Sufism: Path of Breath, Prayer and Zikar
December 14, 2008

This class focuses on the subjects of The Power of Breath and The Effects of Jelal, Jemal and Kemal.

Outline of Practices and Readings References

Play Audio of Part 1 (Length 55:12)
Play Audio of Part 2 (Length 53:08)

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The Unknown Dimension
August 9, 2008

In the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, "Breath is a light in itself, and it becomes projected like the beam from a searchlight thrown through an object. When the breath is coarse, undeveloped, it is full of material atoms which dim its light, but a developed breath is sometimes not different from the light of the sun but even brighter than that."

Outline of Practices and Readings References

Due to technical difficulties, the audio of Part 1 is not available.
Play Audio of Part 2 (Length 58:57)

We pray this teaching resonates and benefits YOU!
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Thought Reading
March, 2008

In the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, "It is the vibrations caused by the breath which become thought-waves which carry the thought from one mind to the other. It is therefore that thought-reading depends so much upon the position in which two people sit with regard to each other, for a certain position makes it easier for the breath to reach than another, although it is not always necessary that a person must be facing one in order to receive thought-waves through breath."

Outline of Practices and Readings References

Play Audio of Part 1 (Length 58:32)
Play Audio of Part 2 (Length 58:32)
Play Audio of Part 3 (Length 58:32)

We pray this teaching resonates and benefits YOU!
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February, 2008

In the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, "Inspiration comes from the light thrown upon a certain idea. This comes from the radiance of the breath falling upon the mind."

Outline of Practices and Readings References

Play Audio of Part 1 (Length 45:08)
Play Audio of Part 2 (Length 54:38)
Play Audio of Part 3 (Length 1:02:53)

We pray this teaching resonates and benefits YOU!
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The Length and Breadth of Breath
January 19, 2008

In the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, "Mind is creative and thought is living, but out of what does mind create a thought? Out of the atoms of the mental sphere But the current which attracts the desired atoms to complete a thought is the breath, not that breath which is outwardly manifest, but that part of breath the action of which is not felt by every man."

Outline of Practices and Readings References

Play Audio of Part 1 (Length 53:20)
Play Audio of Part 2 (Length 1:04:47)
Play Audio of Part 3 (Length 48:45)

We pray this teaching resonates and benefits YOU!
Your gratitude is expressed through generosity!
Donate Now • Infinite Gratitude
No amount too small or too large!
Donations tax-deductible.

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